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Sunday, May 30, 2010 . 5:56 AM

Hello Tenors (:

Please remember that there is practice on Wednesday 2nd of May next week (: Practice time will start at 2p.m and the estimated end time is 5p.m. Remember your scores, water bottle as well as get plenty of rest. Please try to take care of your voice over the June Holidays and not get Sore Throats and ailments like that. (:

Also, i wish to remind you guys to cooperate with the section leaders during sectionals and combines. This is because we cannot function to our maximum potential without the cooperation of all members in the choir. To the sec1s, do not be afraid to respond or sing when we ask you to because its part of learning. If not, another gentle reminder would be : Be Punctual.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010 . 6:27 AM

Hey Tenors,we do NOT have practice this Fri cause of uhm..some hols i think but yuh no practice. There IS practice this Sat and if you do not have the yellow hols practice schedule sheet,here are the dates.

2/6 (Wed) , 4/6 (Fri) , 5/6 (Sat) , 21/6 (Mon) , 23/6 (Wed) , 25/6 (Fri) .

Yup thats all that ya'll need to know [8 <-- gawd this emoticon is kinda pervy. anyway byebye [:

Senior, <--
amoz (i sound old ...)

WAIT btw... we're probably playing Soccer again this Sat after choir We = mb JongWoo,Sae Han me and the Sec1s well some of them. So feel free to join us k? i'm bringing my ball. thats all Bye. See ya