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Tuesday, June 22, 2010 . 11:30 PM

Hello Tenors (:

I'm just here to recommend a superb choir for you guys to listen to (: Here are the links AND the titles of the songs that they are singing. The choir is the Victoria Chorale, the members are the alumni of the Victoria Junior College Choir ( aka the graduates ) :) Please do take the time to listen and pay attention to the tone of the Tenors. Not anyday do you get to hear such a nice tone. (:

Here are the links: Gloria --->
Zhu Li Guan --->
Bobby Shafftoe ( English Folklore ) --->


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Monday, June 7, 2010 . 6:20 AM

Hello fellow tenor-lings :D

I'm just here to remind you guys to take care of your voices over the holidays (: Make sure you keep yourself hydrated and do not shout or over-work yourself ( be it via homework or other stuff ). Remember the practice dates on the last week and to come punctually :D

But most importantly, enjoy your holidays and make sure you manage your time properly! Singers must be able to juggle work and cca well uh! :D Be smart! (:

I'll cya guys soon :D Bye! (:

--Samuel Ng


Wednesday, June 2, 2010 . 6:21 AM

Hello Tenors. (:

To start things off i'm sorry for scolding the whole load of you. I mean, its not like i intended to. And i really wish i didn't need to. But i think you guys needed a harsher reminder as to what you'all are in the choir for.

Like i said, choir isn't a platform for joy and chit-chat. Yes i know, i do allow that during our sectionals breaks. But do understand that i allocated THAT time for you guys to play around. But not the working time. There is time for everything i believe i said that aye? You guys have to really cooperate. I cannot work with you'all properly like this. When i ask for a response, please just say something. It sucks trying to get a message through without having any response. There is nothing to be afraid off, i won't blast you guys into Mars because of an erred reply. Also, initiative. Its not something i can enforce into you guys, its something you must learn for yourself. To have initiative is to have the motivation to do whats right on your own without reminders. I cannot be telling you all what to do all the time. You guys need to know when something is going wrong or simple things like reminding your friends to keep quiet etc.

As you already know best, the song's vocal requirement is extremely high, and its hard enough trying to get you guys to know your notes properly. What i feel now is, you guys just ain't absorbing. I'm already at wit's end, which is why i got Amoz to help me with the T2s. But Mr Chye has told me not to get Sec 2s to take on any duties, so Amoz is out. Ian cannot do everything either, so can't i. So please understand our position, and help us out. By listening, paying attention and absorbing, applying, and choir practices CAN be enjoyable.

If not, i'm outta here. I hope you guys understand this post. See you on Friday (:

-- Samuel Ng.
